Working papers

Do environmental markets improve allocative efficiency? Evidence from U.S. air pollution
Meng, Kyle and Vincent Thivierge. (2023)

Do carbon tariffs reduce carbon leakage? Evidence from trade tariffs
Thivierge, Vincent.
Revise and resubmit at Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.


Equitable low-carbon transition pathways for California’s oil extraction
with emLab
Nature Energy, 1-13, 2023

Carbon pricing and competitiveness pressures: The case of cement trade
Thivierge, Vincent
Canadian Public Policy, 46(1), 45-58, 2020

Refining the evidence: British Columbia’s carbon tax and household gasoline consumption
Lawley, Chad and Vincent Thivierge
The Energy Journal, 39(2), 147-171, 2018
Paper Appendix
Media: The Narwhal

Select policy reports

Enhancing equity while eliminating emissions in California’s supply of transportation fuels
with emLab, 2021
Paper Appendix

Through the Roof: The High Cost of Barriers to Building New Housing in Canadian Municipalities
Dachis, Benjamin and Vincent Thivierge
C.D. Howe Institute Commentary 513, 2018
Media: Vancouver Sun Global News
op-ed: The Globe and Mail

All’s Well that Ends Well: Addressing End-of-Life Liabilities for Oil and Gas Wells
Dachis, Benjamin, Blake Schaffer, and Vincent Thivierge
C.D. Howe Institute Commentary 492, 2017
Media: Financial Post

Provincial Carbon Pricing and Household Fairness
Beugin, Dale, Richard Lipsey, Chris Ragan, France St-Hilaire, and Vincent Thivierge. Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission, 2016
Media: Bloomberg